Back in March Netflix premiered a series called 13 Reasons Why . Originally, I had no idea what the show was about until I later learned it was about the suicide of a young teenager who took her own life, after enduring bullying from some of her cruel peers. The main character, Hannah Baker, records 13 cassette tapes narrating all the events that led to her suicide. I felt drawn and especially connected to the series, as I was bullied in middle school. Middle school was a rough season for me, and as much as I tried to just get through it, it wasn’t easy. I got picked on for things like the way I looked, the clothes I wore, being a Christian, and for my many failed attempts with trying to be accepted by the cool kids. And just when I thought I’d get a fresh start in high school, one of the guys on the football team humiliated me in front of a crowd of my peers when he called me a loser, and said that I was a nobody that sucked at life. What was wild about that particular incident...
Writer. Storyteller. Unconventional Believer.