It’s been my experience that many religious communities have naïve practices when it comes to educating young women about the topic of sex and embracing and owning their sexuality. Some teach women to be afraid of it. To rebuke it. And to ignore what is a very natural part of being a woman. I was raised Christian and struggled with some shame-based teachings regarding this subject. As a grown woman, I’ve realized that while my teachers may have meant well, I no longer have to share all of their beliefs or views. I remember hearing handfuls of purity messages and receiving purity swag at breakout sessions during youth conferences. Us teenage girls were told, “Having crushes can cause lust and invite lustful spirits.” “Sex is bad.” “You could get pregnant or catch a disease.” “Stay pure.” “Wait until you’re married.” And on and on it went. The parents at the church I grew up in were also encouraged by leadership to opt us out of the Family Life Education programs taught in our middle ...
Writer. Storyteller. Unconventional Believer.