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Dear Young Black Professionals

As you embark on your career, I want you to know some things and stay woke about what you’ll be up against. Please understand that no matter what, you have value, and you matter. Always remember that. As progressive as this world and different workplaces may seem, every workplace has a culture. You’ll be in different places where a lot of people who don’t look like you will be in the room. But know that you belong in those rooms too. Spend some time observing and studying those spaces and learn as much as you can. There will be people you work with who will make presumptions about your competence, education, and ability to fulfill your job duties. There will be more who will think less of you because of the color of your skin and try to disqualify you the moment you make an error, mistake, or ask questions about things you may not understand. This will all feel uncomfortable and you may get insecure, feel like you’re all by yourself, and think you don’t belong there, but ride it out. 

You were hired for a reason.

Remember to get to work on time. On time meaning at least five minutes early before your shift. I repeat, get to work on time. Dress for success and stay prepared for where you’re going, not for where you’re at. If you’re rocking your natural hair, wear your crown with confidence. If a co-worker asks to touch your hair, ask you if your hair is real or says something off about how you style your hair, instead of getting angry, allow what’s happening to be a teaching moment. Educate and enlighten your curious co-workers about the world of black hair. 

Don’t be afraid to speak up in meetings and share helpful ideas, insights, and solutions if and as needed. Understand that you will have to work twice as hard and be twice as good just to stand out. When you run into a co-worker who makes a prejudice or racist statement or comment or throws shade your way, remain calm. You’ll be pissed off and maybe even a little hurt but do your best to manage your emotions. Don’t let your emotions manage you. Never let them see you sweat, worry, panic, or fall apart. Focus on the tasks in front of you. Understand that your hard work will not always get recognized. You should never expect an award or a medal for doing your job. In fact, you’ll need to manage your expectations often. Because you will likely get repeatedly overlooked, but don’t worry, the time will come for you to shine. Just be patient. 

Be cautious about getting involved in office politics or gossip. You don’t have time for any of that. And it can hurt your career if you get caught up in it. Be mindful about who you’re confiding in at work too. Especially during times when you’re feeling isolated, stressed, or being treated unfairly. Also, beware of the Mr. and Mrs. Uncle Toms you’ll encounter throughout your workplace journey, as well as anyone else who has a crab mentality or is just a straight up hater. These particular characters are tricky. Many of them will look similar to you, in race, however, their actions will speak very loud and clear if you just pay close attention. They won’t be able to hide their true colors too long. Even though they look like you, it doesn’t mean they’re in support of you or will have your back. Some of them might smile and say some nice things here and there, but I assure you, they’re often up to no good. Especially if they perceive you, or any success or hard work you achieve as a threat. Figuring out who your workplace enemies and allies are will take time, but you’ll figure it out. And if you ever experience any form of discrimination, harassment, or bullying, always be sure to keep the receipts for your records. 

They’ll be useful in the event things escalate. 

To my fellow young black professionals, I think you are all extraordinary, intelligent, and exceptional. I believe in all of you and hope that as you go about your days, you will have joy, peace, prosperity, protection, and unwavering hope and faith for the future. 

"Do your best because corporations want global dollars. Do your best to try and hold the door open and hold people responsible. Yeah, I'm asking you to do the impossible. I'm fully aware that job loss is on the table, but if you're not doing it, nobody is." - Gabrielle Union 

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