This year, I’ve lived intentionally. I’ve put myself first, prioritized my well-being, maintained my snatched waist (5am workouts are a sacrifice but they do pay off #praisethelord 😊), gone after different things I’ve wanted, had the courage to walk away and say no to different opportunities that were not God’s best for me, taken risks, made changes, improved, moved through challenges, endured disappointments, and crossed a lot of different goals off my list. I’m actively living my best life and have been able to encourage other bachelorettes to do the same. It’s exciting to have rich experiences and adventures to call your own, be able to grow through challenges, and increase your confidence and self-esteem. And if you’re a single woman, I encourage you to decide to live your best life too. Hold your head up high. Don’t put your life on hold for anyone or anything. Be unapologetically selfish. Go out. Go out alone if you c...
Writer. Storyteller. Unconventional Believer.