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About Making My House A Home

One of the best things about settling into my new home has been waking up to the sounds of birds chirping outside my bedroom window in the mornings. I’ve also enjoyed the natural lighting that shines indoors too. Both are reminders of the arrival of a new day. And as I wake up, pray, get dressed, and prepare to grab a fresh cup of coffee, I look around and still have days when I think, oh my gosh, I can’t believe I have my own home. 

It’s a refreshing and exciting feeling for sure.


Making shopping trips to At Home, Home Depot, and Lowe's has been fun. Decorating has been a blast. Cooking and trying new recipes have been memorable experiences too. And, of course, having family and friends over for small and intimate gatherings has been the best. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed making my house a home, and in a lot of ways, I’m still in this euphoric state of mind that feels wonderful. My heart feels so full, my joy is overflowing, and I feel like my life is in a good place. Not just because of the move, but because of all the exciting things God’s been doing in this season. When I’ve taken the time to be still and reflect on different things that have happened this year, I’ve sat and cried happy tears as I’ve thanked Him for what has continued to be a chapter filled with explosive breakthroughs and unexpected blessings that have come into my life, and in the lives of others around me too. For months, I’ve received phone calls, texts, emails, social media updates, and more about people I know landing new career opportunities, purchasing homes, finding love – and months later getting engaged and married, having babies, starting businesses, starting over, confronting their fears, going back to school, and just winning in life. It genuinely makes me happy to see others around me happy about the moves they’re making. And witnessing this has been a reminder that if you’re willing to ask and seek God out first and take some faith risks, you never know what could be in store for you too.


The risks I’ve taken this year have been ones that have catapulted my faith to new levels that still blow my mind.


At the end of last summer, I accepted a new career opportunity as an educator and had zero teaching experience before saying yes to it. But I prayed on it, received God’s approval, and took a risk anyway. I was informed that the teaching position would only be contracted to me for exactly one school year, and I still accepted it. Shortly after, I enrolled in a new graduate program too. And about six months after that, I purchased a home. So within a year, I accepted a new teaching position, enrolled in graduate school, and bought a house with no guarantees about what would happen next. Sounds insane, right? Well, that’s the kind of faith I’m moving in. Insane faith. Radical faith. Risk-taking faith. 


And what’s wild is that I feel like I’m just getting warmed up. 

I definitely have a lot more to celebrate and share as things continue coming together. Some of which I've already written about but haven't shared publicly just yet because I want to let God do His thing first. But in the meantime, here's to making new memories and having much to look forward to 😎.

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