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God, Please Keep The Thots Away From Him

Dating in your 30s is interesting. I’ve interacted with guys who are either eager to settle down and have kids almost immediately, and others who anticipate marriage someday but are single or casually dating until they find someone serious. With all this in mind, I’ve taken time to think about where I’m at and what I want for myself in the future. And while I’m not involved with anyone at the moment, I’ve felt God signaling some changes heading my way regarding my love life. I’m not entirely sure how everything’s going to come together or when, but one of the first things I did was pray. Here’s what I had to say. “God, I’m not sure who you have in mind for me. I know this is something I’ve been back and forth with you about and have given up on sometimes, but help me with my heart, my mind, and my spirit. I’m surrendering and trusting you and your timing, even when it’s hard. Also, there’s one more thing I wanted to bring up. Whoever it is you have in mind, God, please keep the thots away from him. Amen.”

I’m sure that last part is unlike any prayer request you’ve seen or heard before. But I went there. And for valid reasons too.


If you’re not familiar with the word thot, it’s an acronym for “that ho over there.” And it’s typically a word synonymous with promiscuous women. Now, don’t get me wrong. What another woman decides to do with her body or her sexuality is none of my business. What I’m not okay with are women who get involved with or push up on guys they know are spoken for. I believe it’s a massively inappropriate and disrespectful thing to do. Unfortunately, we live in a fallen world where different people will justify their messy, reckless, and selfish behavior. And I typically don’t have to look any further than some of the trash I’ve seen all over social media, a lot of the modern entertainment we access, from television, films, music, and more (I’m honestly growing tired of popular narratives romanticizing cheaters and single women falling in love with married or otherwise spoken for men), that promotes and glorifies this behavior. 


I’ve even had to distance myself and eventually end certain friendships with different women I knew carried themselves in similar ways. The consequences of actively messing around with someone who’s spoken for, breaks hearts and trust, wrecks homes and families, and ruins different relationships and marriages, sometimes for good. So even if you don’t like my prayer request or can relate to it, at least try to understand where I’m coming from. No one can take what’s yours, but would you want your man (especially someone God’s grooming for you) anywhere near a promiscuous woman or any other woman eager and ready to dig her claws into him? I can’t imagine you would. So watch yourself. I know it’s not on women alone to exercise self-control within ourselves and amongst each other. I get that guys can be reckless too. We all have a responsibility to do the right thing. But still, having respect for yourself and others is critical. 


The second thing I did was end my monthly Bachelorette Guide To... posts. I had content scheduled out for Making Waves for the remainder of this year, but when I kept looking at what I had in place, I couldn't bring myself to move forward with it. I wrestled with letting it all go because, for a long time, I enjoyed writing from the perspective of a single woman and encouraging other single women in the process. But I knew it was time for me to let go when I woke up the next morning after doing so and felt lighter and freer than I'd felt in months. My skin even had a fresh glow 😊. 


And the third and final thing I did was surrender and release everything to God. I know I have a part to play in how things turn out, but so does He. It’s a collaboration I’m growing into every day. Surrendering and saying yes to Him hasn’t always been easy for me, but I get that His ways are higher and ultimately what’s best. Isaiah 55:8-9 reads, “My thoughts are completely different from yours,” says the Lord. “And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine. For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.” 

I have no choice but to lean on Him. I can’t wait to explore what He has in store. 

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