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Lessons From Dad

He’s been a great provider, protector, and partner to my mom and our family, and he’s always been a hard worker and active father to my brother and me. Growing up, I’d watch him work multiple jobs and pursue his goals and dreams all while taking care of us and sacrificing to make sure my mom, brother, and I were well taken care of and able to have everything we needed and more. 

I’m talking about my dad. 

He’s introduced me to things I’ll never forget like music from artists like DeBarge, Michael Jackson, and John P. Kee. He’s put me on to delicious treats like Chick-O-Sticks, and he’s taught me the importance of pursuing God and keeping Him first in my life.  

He’s also taught me a handful of valuable life lessons I continue to be mindful of and actively apply to my own life. And in honor of Father’s Day, I’d like to share some valuable lessons I’ve learned from my dad: 

Don’t Reveal Your Whole Hand. My dad has continually taught my brother and me the importance of not revealing too much about ourselves and keeping people on a need-to-know basis. We live in a world where so many people have multiple ways to share and access different things about each other and sometimes, some people don’t think before sharing, making announcements, or telling too much about themselves. In the past I’ve foolishly made the mistake of revealing too much of my hand at times and saw how doing so could be problematic, so now, I’m cautious about what I share and what I don’t. It’s not good for everyone to know everything about you and what you’re doing and have going on. It’s okay to move silently and keep certain parts of your life quiet and private. 
Save Money & Stay Financially Independent. I believe in budgeting and saving money and I can credit both of my parents for teaching me the importance of those things. It’s extremely important to be sure you’re managing what you’re working hard for and to be sure your money is handled properly. As a young woman, I’m especially mindful of the importance of being financially independent. I’ve talked with different women (dating, married, separated, and/or divorced) who were hit hard financially when they either combined their income with their significant others or had a rough break up or may have wanted out of their relationships but were not able to walk away because they were financially dependent on their partners income. No woman should be in a position where she can’t financially support herself, so I’m mindful to make sure I’m taking care of my business. 
Keep Grinding. My dad is one of the hardest working people I know, and I respect his work ethic and grind. When I was in college trying to finish my degree, at one point, I was working three part-time jobs and going to school full-time. It wasn’t easy and I wanted to quit a bunch of times, but I knew the grind would pay off. I’ve seen my dad work hard, build his dreams, and sacrifice in ways that paid off in major ways and whenever I’ve wanted to give up, I remember what he’s done and how he’s told me to keep grinding even when it looks like nothing is moving forward. 
Give. My dad is a big giver. I’ve seen him bless people in major ways and watched as God has blessed him in incredible ways in return. Giving is much better than receiving and being able to do something kind for someone else vs. thinking about yourself all the time is a great life lesson to hold on to. My dad has given to our family, to friends, to strangers, and to people who had a need, they may not have been comfortable presenting openly. I’ve paid close attention to what he’s instilled about giving and how it can be a special and rewarding thing to do. 
Prepare For Where You’re Going, Not For Where You’re At. I’ve had professional and creative moments of frustration where I’ve felt behind and stuck and completely stagnant and thought where I happened to be in those moments defined where I’d be for the long haul. Man, was I wrong. Where you are now is not where you’ll remain, especially when it comes to your career and dreams. If you remember to appreciate where you’re at but to be ready for where God’s going to take you moving forward, you’re well on your way to some amazing and exciting things. Trust. 

Happy Father’s Day. 

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