Properly managing and handling your finances can make a huge difference in your life. I believe everyone can always improve in this area -- especially women. As a bachelorette, I’m mindful of how I stack, save, and spend my money because I know that I work hard for it and that mishandling it can cause unnecessary stress and problems I don’t want or need in my life. I believe every woman should always be in a position of financial independence because you never know what kind of blows life may throw, and at the very least, you can try to be financially prepared for the unexpected. Whether the unexpected is a job loss, a career change you’d like to make, a breakup or dissolved marriage, being able to leave a bad or unhealthy situation, starting your own business, and more. I’ve talked with women who feel stuck and trapped in bad or unhealthy relationships or frustrating employment situations because of their finances. And I know other women who are financially stable who don’t need their significant other’s income to survive and don’t feel trapped in a situation they wouldn’t be able to transition out of, because they’ve managed their money properly. Financial freedom for women is freedom. And a game changer. I’m not completely there yet but step by step I’m getting closer. Below, you’ll see two resources I’ve found massively helpful that have continually been sources for me when it comes to money management. If you’re able to obtain them, please do so. Check your local libraries for copies too. I guarantee you’ll find them useful. I hope they’ll serve you well as you stack your paper and strive for financial freedom. It’ll take time, but it can be done. Start stacking. P.S. – Use cash when you can and don’t be afraid to say, “I can’t afford that right now.”
Resource One: The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey
Resource Two: The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas J. Stanley & William D. Danko