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3 Tools To Defeat Your Enemies

Believe it or not, there are different people specifically assigned to your life to disrupt, distract, and try to destroy you. There are people who don’t like you. Some who may even hate you. A handful who are probably jealous of you, and others who would enjoy nothing more than to see you defeated, miserable, and unhappy. John 10:10 reads, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy.” The enemies assigned to your life are there to steal your joy and energy, to kill your character and reputation, and to destroy you. I’m a discerning woman, so, more often than not I’ve been able to identify my enemies without hesitation. Some have been former friends or people who pretended to be my friends or acquaintances or co-workers or strangers, and I’ve even had enemies in my own family. Yes, some people who you share the same blood with are capable of being enemies too. And while I’ve had a number of wins against my enemies, I’ve definitely taken some losses and painful blows I haven’t been able to stop, but none that didn’t make me wiser, sharper, better, and ultimately work for my good. I’ve also been able to help others find ways to defeat their enemies too, and have three tools I’ve found helpful during seasons when defeating my own opposition seemed insurmountable. Please see them below…
Tool One: Your Mind. It’s the most powerful tool you have. The mind. Protect it at all costs. When I reflect on any losses I’ve had when it came to defeat from an enemy, the number one mistake I made was letting them get inside my head. Whenever that happened, and I let my emotions get the best of me, I made mistakes. I used to react to stupid, petty, and downright trivial things like childish social media posts, being unfriended or unfollowed on social media, lied on, gossiped about, threatened, disrespected, or insulted. Reacting to those things instead of knowing who and what to ignore, or confronting situations with a clear and calmed mind, and giving things to the Lord and moving on, drained me of my energy, had me up late at night, restless, frustrated, confused, sad, angry, or feeling vengeful, instead of entering a posture of prayer and being patient while God clapped back on my behalf. Your mind is a weapon and what you focus on magnifies. Is any enemy worth all that? I believe not. Study your enemies, so you know how to approach each situation. You better believe they’re studying you and what makes you tick. Train and discipline your mind and emotions to understand that anyone coming at you, more often than not, just wants a reaction. Don’t let them or the things they say, do, or post get in your head or bring out the worst in you. It’s just noise. Distractions and disruptions. All intended to get you out of focus. Guard your mind. 
Tool Two: The Playbook -- The Bible. Hebrews 4:12 reads, “For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” The word of God is incredible and powerful. It’s a playbook that some people underutilize way too much. There’s a scripture and strategy for just about any and everything you need help with. Study and apply the word like your life depends on it. This tool is vital, especially when you’re up under attack, and knowing it will always give you an advantage because the word of God is what’s true. Applied properly, it can help you win no matter who or what you’re up against. If scripture is deeply ingrained and planted in your spirit, you’re already winning. 
Tool Three: Prayer. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 reads, “Pray continually.” I pray a lot. I know I can’t afford not to. And neither can you. And I submit that the more anointed you are or the higher the calling and purpose God has over your life, the more attack and opposition you’re going to face. Especially if He has you positioned in environments where change is needed. And sometimes no matter how much you pray, there’ll be times and seasons where you feel drained, discouraged, and defeated but hold on and wait for the Lord to work things out. Prayer works. I’ve watched God handle people who’ve tried to come for me and I’ve definitely seen Him bring justice to others I’ve known who’ve been wronged. Proverbs 20:22 reads, “Do not say, “I’ll pay you back for this wrong!” Wait for the Lord, and he will deliver you. If your enemies knew who they were dealing with they wouldn’t dare mess with you anyway. Unfortunately, some enemies figure this out when it’s too late. Regardless, being prayed up and suited up (read Ephesians 6:10-17), increases your odds of defeating the enemies in your life. You have all the tools, and access to everything you need to win. So, win. 

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