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Weekend At My High School Reunion

I anxiously handed my car keys to the valet, and along with a friend I’ve known since I was fifteen, stepped into Commonwealth Brewing Company. The beer was flowing, and a few familiar faces were glowing as the class of 2008 began reuniting for our 10-year class reunion. I couldn’t believe 10 years had already passed. I remember when myself and many of my former peers were kids back in high school. Back then, a lot of us were so unaware of the world and trying to figure things out. And from the different interactions, conversations, and photographs from that night, I could tell a lot of us are still figuring things out. And you know what? 

It’s totally fine.

Shortly before I made my way to the brewery, I said and thought, “I’m proud of my life and where I’m at right now…” I definitely have many more goals I’d like to accomplish, and heights to soar, but when I talked with some of my former classmates, I learned each of us was in different places in our lives. Some were still in school, some were finished with their degrees and well employed with great careers. Others were either engaged or married, some already had kids, while some were actually expecting, and there was a pool of singles who seemed perfectly content to be who they were and at peace with where they were at in life. The contentment was contagious. I was also surprised to be remembered by a handful of people. A few people asked who I was and if I even attended our high school…  and I wasn’t the least bit offended. It was actually funny. 

That moment was just one of many that would prompt more laughter throughout the night. One of my former peers who never really talked to me or knew who I was in high school insisted on buying me a drink throughout the night, and although I continually declined, it was nice to talk to him and share more laughs too. I spent the night making the rounds with different people I hadn’t seen in years. And unlike the icky cliques in high school, the reunion was mostly filled with fun, friendly, and open people from all over. That night, no one was superior to anyone else. It seemed like an equal playing field. I had little to no run-ins with any braggers going on and on about their success. It was just a good time with some good people and a good night. I’m really glad I went, and I wish the best for those I got to see, and for those unable to attend. Class of 2008, you guys are all amazing. Stay awesome!

•The photo above was from 2008. My parents snapped it the morning of my graduation after they decorated my first car. You might be able to spot my digital camera (smartphones weren’t a thing just yet…) It’s amazing how times have changed.

And just for fun, below are five fun (and some funny) facts about my time in high school. Let’s see…

·      I was obsessed with a teen-soap at the time called The O.C.
·     My senior year I approached a crush, who also happened to be a friend of mine, and told him how I felt… and I asked him out. He was disinterested but I never had to wonder, What if? For the record, I don’t do things like that anymore. I prefer to let the guys do the pursuing. 
·      I used to shop at a store called Hot Topic. I was going through a phase.
·      I was involved with the school paper. I still have different pieces I wrote from that time.
·     When I was in high school, I was certain I wanted to be an elementary school teacher or a guidance counselor. 

 If you get the chance to attend your own class reunion, I suggest going. It’ll be worth it. Do something fun this weekend and enjoy yourself. TGIF! 

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