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Most Christians are viewed as being judgmental, hypocritical, too political, and anti-homosexual. At least these are some of the bold and fairly accurate opinions expressed in David Kinnaman and Gabe Lyons book UnChristian: What a New Generation Really Thinks about Christianity...and Why It Matters. When I read this book, I felt like it spoke immensely to my spirit and mind about a lot of what’s wrong with the Christian community and why a lot of people don’t like us. Heck, I don’t like other Christians sometimes and I’m a Christian myself. It’s no secret that the state of “the church” and “Christianity” have morphed into things almost unrecognizable. A lot of what I’ve seen in different Christian communities has become less about modeling Jesus and more about people taking sides, being hypocritical while living closeted lifestyles, spreading hate, and acting downright ignorant. It’s sad, ridiculous and painful. I know this because I’ve lived it. 

In different Christian communities it’s been my experience that you’ll often be greeted by two types: Christians who are genuine, kind-hearted and nothing but nice who have the best of intentions and Christians who appear kind on the surface, but, are actually fake, cold, and deeply mean-spirited inside. Some Christians will encourage and uplift you during rough seasons and others will watch you get crucified and do nothing to help you. The things I’ve seen and experienced have been unbelievable. You’ve got to be careful. Which is why I rarely take anyone at face value. I look at a person’s character and spirit. Those things will almost always reveal what kind of person someone is. 

And then some Christians wonder why people don’t like us. 

This past year, I spiritually sparred with all kinds of different Christians and had never felt more broken-hearted, discouraged, and spiritually and emotionally depleted in my life. Many people I met or encountered who claimed to be like Christ could’ve easily passed for wolves in sheep clothing. I was just blind and naïve, but I woke up really quick and wasn’t as alone as I thought. God was with me through it all. I later met other Christians and non-Christians who had similar experiences too. And our shared experiences led me to take all that hurt and find a way to help others. Lord, thank you for calling me to be a writer. It all worked for my good. Our good. Romans 8:28 reads, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

As much as I wish we could all get along, it’s a lofty task. But not an unrealistic one. Meanwhile, souls are at stake. Attendance in churches are declining, relationships are being lost, and more and more people are becoming critical, skeptical and distrustful of believers. UnChristian is a book that dives deep into a number of these kinds of issues and more. I’m a Christian who’s aiming to create positivity and promote and inspire change by infiltrating the world without being compromised by it. Whether you’re Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, straight or gay, Democrat or Republican or bipartisan, or have a lifestyle I’m not in agreement with, my goal is to model Christ and be the best Christian I can be. I’m still a work in progress. We all are. Believe it or not, Christians can benefit from reaching out to others different from them. We can go out and share the gospel and change lives without being ignorant, political, preachy, or obnoxious. And by the way, if your circle of acquaintances and friends and church communities are only limited to people just like you, I must warn you that your world is significantly small. Why not expand? What do you want your Christian life and walk to say about you? That you’re loving, relatable, inviting and inspiring? Or that you’re fake, unwelcoming, hateful and full of hypocrisy? If you’re a Christian, act like it. You always have a choice. 

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