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People Who Complain About Their Jobs

I’ve noticed that people complain and post on social media about how much they dislike their jobs… a lot.  Frankly, that kind of behavior is unprofessional and unhealthy. Sure, I understand frustration, venting every now and then, needing a break, and definitely know that a number of us have had jobs that had everything from poor management to annoying co-workers, to dealing with things we’d rather call out sick for, but the fact of the matter is that being employed is a blessing. When I reflect on different things I learned when working at previous part-time jobs I complained about, I can see how God was trying to prepare and groom me for what I do now. Some days I’ve even missed my past season of being a part-time employee. Working part-time afforded me a flexible schedule to side hustle my writing more freely and to spend time hanging out with different friends more often. More importantly, working part-time taught me patience and built my character in ways that diving immediately into a full-time career probably wouldn’t have. No matter where you work I believe you can make your job work for you. I’ve made up my mind that regardless of what happens at work, I’m going to try and maintain a positive outlook, utilize what God’s given me, and be grateful. If I feel like I’m getting tired or need a break, I rest. Resting may mean scheduling time off for a body and mind break. Everyone needs time off at different points. This is important so you don’t suffer from burnout. Do what works for you and always remember to prioritize your physical and mental health. And know that no matter where you work, you can wake up and make a choice about what kind of day you’re going to have. And one more thing -- more people are paying attention to you than you may realize. Family. Friends. Peers. Enemies. Your current employers. Future employers. People that look up to you… you name it. Whether you realize it or not, you are a walking and breathing brand in some form or fashion. Don’t jeopardize your brand over a bad day, bad season, or because you’re upset. That said, I wanted to touch on the area of social media. Lately, the Lord has really been speaking to me about my entire approach to social media and how I handle any platform He trusts me with. Immediately, this scenario came to my spirit… imagine yourself as a well-known public figure that’s been blessed with platforms, influence, and endorsement deals from different companies worth millions. Would you jeopardize any or all of those things being reckless and careless with the things you post on social media? I imagine you wouldn’t. However, I see it in my news feed often. People post things that are super personal, cruel, crass, and highly inappropriate as if nothing’s wrong with that behavior, and while everyone is entitled to share what they’d like, I imagine many people would have a different approach if they knew how they were being watched, had million dollar endorsements on the line, and their reputation, influence, and livelihood at stake. Even without those things, you should be mindful of what you’re sharing and why. Does everyone need to know what you’re sharing? What’s your purpose? Is what you’re sharing useful? Informative? Positive? Necessary? There’s a scripture in Matthew 7:6 that reads, “Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and then turn and tear you to pieces.” I’ve been guilty of “throwing my pearls to pigs” at times and had to go back and clean things up after I had a bad moment or day. Now, whenever I’m feeling upset or my emotions are raw I stay away from social media. It’s probably best to be mindful about how much of yourself and your life you’re putting out to the world in the first place. I don’t believe God wants everyone knowing everything about us. And I especially believe He doesn’t want questionable photos and what should be candid and personal moments with significant others and our families, constantly shared for public consumption. I challenge you to do a self-inventory on yourself. If there are posts and photos (old or new) that are not reflective of who you are, consider deleting them and being mindful of what you’re sharing moving forward. Remember, you’re a walking and breathing brand. And social media is like a résumé. Don’t jeopardize what you’re working for or future opportunities by being reckless in real life or online.

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