Above all else, guard your heart,
for it is the wellspring of life – Proverbs 4:23
I believe many women and men are
reckless with their hearts. And it doesn’t always happen recklessly in the
beginning. Often, people meet other people they think
or perceive are great in the
beginning, and without using discernment, allow their feelings to take over and
let different people have access to
their hearts, only to get them broken when a relationship (or what they mistake
as a relationship) ends. I don’t like that. And as I reflect on Proverbs 4:23, I’m reminded of the importance of guarding the heart. Guarding your heart
doesn’t make you paranoid or standoffish, it makes you smart. I don’t believe
God wants us offering up our hearts to just any and everyone that comes along,
yet many people still do. God wants to hold our hearts and He can fully be trusted. My prayer is that women and men will guard
their hearts more carefully before pursuing and engaging in any relationships. Lord, please guard the hearts of your sons
and daughters. I pray for all the men and women that are developing
relationships, establishing new ones, healing from old ones, dating, courting,
or in a season of growing more serious in their relationships with family or
new friends. Please give us wisdom, insight, and clarity before we invest and
dedicate our time to these relationships, and especially give us discernment
before we share our hearts in these kinds of relationships. Thank you for your
protection and unconditional love. In Jesus name I pray, amen.