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Body, Mind, Spirit

It’s a new year and a great time to be mindful about being and staying healthy. Our bodies, minds and spirits are our individual responsibility to take care of and today I’m sharing some helpful tips on how you can do so. Enjoy!
Body - I’d be lying if I said I love working out. I really have to push myself at times because it’s easy to be like, nah, I’m good. But if you want a great and healthy body, you’ve got to stick to a good workout routine. I usually work out 3x’s a week for at least 35 minutes per workout. In my line of work I do a lot of sitting, so some days I feel sluggish and know I need to exercise. I love my body, but whenever I get that sluggish feeling I know I’ve got to get moving. The fall and winter months aren’t excuses to slack off. I believe if you’re good to your body it’ll be good to you. Even if you just do something like take brisk walks, make sure you’re setting aside time to be active. Your body will thank you. What you’re eating also plays a major role in your health. I count calories and aim to keep things healthy (along with some cheat days where I eat whatever I want guilt free) but lately I’ve been experimenting with green smoothies. I know they’re super trendy right now, but after doing a smoothie challenge I thought they were delicious and beneficial enough to make a regular part of my diet. I’ve also experienced the perks from green smoothies, like getting my fruit and veggie intake on a regular basis, boosted energy, and glowing skin. If you want to give them a try I suggest starting off with water, fat free vanilla yogurt, kale, and bananas -- they mix well together. 
Mind – The mind is one of the most powerful things each of us has. Feeding it with knowledge and beneficial information is important. Instead of being glued to our technology and constantly plugged into our devices, stepping away from those things and picking up a great book or going outdoors, spending time with loved ones, and being present are ways we can feed our minds with positivity. A few months ago I pulled back on my social media usage and learned that between working and writing full time, I really didn’t want to waste valuable time and didn’t have a lot of time to be on social media like I used to. There’s nothing wrong with utilizing technology so as long as it’s being used in positive and valuable ways. Just be mindful of what you’re feeding your mind on a regular basis.
Spirit – I’m a Christian and my relationship with the Lord is number one. Making sure that I’m spiritually fed is non-negotiable. Activities like fellowship with my church, actively spending time studying the word, meditation, prayer, and one of my personal favorites, having quiet time, all help keep my spirit in check.
Remember to prioritize your health. Take care of your body, mind and spirit. Also, be sure you’re seeing a physician for regular health check-ups. Ladies should be seeing a gynecologist, and everyone should be seeing a physician for annual physicals and scheduling annual dentist cleanings. It’s important to prioritize yourself and your health. 

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