During horse races horses wear
blinders. Race horses don their blinders to remain focused on what’s in front
of them, all while not being preoccupied with what’s behind them, beside them
and ultimately mastering the skill of remaining focused on their individual
course to win the race. These blinders help keep the horses from
getting distracted or disrupted with what’s going on around them. This concept
was a refreshing reminder to me of the importance of staying on track and making sure
I’m mindful of my own blinders being on.
I pray about this often.
Are your blinders on?
In the past, not having my blinders
on have gotten me off focus, upset, frustrated and disappointed about things
Caring what other people think.
Dwindling seasonal relationships.
Past failures and setbacks.
And comparisons.
All of which ended up being
energy drains on my spirit, mind, body and time.
These days things like comparison
traps and trying to keep up with what any and everyone else is doing can easily
deter you from making sure your own blinders are on. And if you’re not careful,
caring what others think or focusing on what someone else has going on in their life that
you may perceive to be appealing or missing
from your own, can cause feelings of bitterness, jealousy, insecurity and
discontent to ease in, even without you realizing it. But if you have your own
blinders on, you won’t turn into a hater, you’ll grow to care less about the
opinions of others, and you’ll be focused and occupied with your own race, and also be able to be happy for others, their good news and the exciting things
happening in their life as well as your own, too, no matter what season you
happen to be in (even in those darker seasons when things seem and feel awful. Your perspective is
what will make the difference.)
Believe me. I know what it’s like
to be in holding patterns, watch others be blessed with things I’ve prayed,
labored for, waited on and dreamed about for years (even the most ratchet of
people.) I've also had to clap for others and be supportive when I didn’t feel like things were fair, and
take back seats I didn’t want to take. However, I’ve seen God shift things in
tremendous ways that let me know He’s got me. I always have to be mindful of my
own blinders, though. And you should do the same in your own life. Run your
race and keep moving forward. Blinders on.
Check out the link below about
the importance of blinders. Enjoy.