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How to Deal With Anxiety

I hate anxiety. And I hate what it’s done to a number of people I know. It’s the reason why some aren’t able to function properly. It robs many of their peace and can ruin lives in disruptive ways. Anxiety literally traps people in isolating prisons of pain, panic, and fear that quite frankly, makes me angry. Anxiety is something that’s become so common that people accept it as a diagnosis. I can’t accept that.

When people reach out to me about their struggles with anxiety, I listen, carefully try to walk them through why they’re feeling it and immediately go into a posture of prayer. It’s hard, but I know what it’s like. Some of my most memorable anxiety struggles?  

Financial strain. Growing up, I didn’t learn great money habits. I saw how money was mishandled and how poor financial choices affected my family, negatively. Because of that, I used to worry about not have enough. Financial struggles were a trigger for me, and as an adult I made a choice to know better and do better, and make responsible choices with handling money.

Family. I have some family members who’ve been verbally abusive, controlling, and intimidating. There were things said and done to me that were scarring and haunted me as an adult. Whenever I’d see certain family members at gatherings or be within distance of them, they’d trigger painful memories that would shoot my anxiety levels high.

As a teenager I’d panic whenever I’d hear fire truck sirens go off when my parents were out, and think they were involved in a car crash, when they were perfectly safe and fine.

As a kid I once noticed a swollen bump on my hand, and was worried I had a growing tumor. My mom had to calm me down. I must’ve sounded ridiculous.

During a past season at an old job, I was scared of meetings. I always thought meetings meant trouble and that I was getting ready to be fired. Getting fired would mean no income, which meant, financial struggle. And that kind of anxiety definitely impacted me in harmful ways.

I’ve met people who seemed perfectly normal on the surface, and struggled with anxieties you’d never know about. And I’m one of them. I know what it’s like to be scared, hurt, and have anxiety with things that are painful to talk about. Anxiety is fear about something that hasn’t happened yet. So, why worry and live in fear?  Be present and trust that no matter what lies ahead, God’s got you covered. Whenever I feel a spirit of anxiety trying to creep in, I know it’s not from God, so I rebuke it, demand calmness in my spirit and surrender my feelings to the Lord. Once I calm down, I’m in a state of peace and ease that’s untouchable.

I have too much living to do to be prisoner to any anxieties. Truthfully, there’ll always be things that happen that may try to trigger anxiety, but the key, is understanding that the only thing you can control is your response to those triggers. Three tips to help with dealing with anxiety?

1) Pray and surrender. Give all of what you’re feeling to the Lord. He can carry it better than you think you can. Anxiety, fear, and worry show a lack of faith and trust in God. Remember, God’s got you.
2) Read, Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyer. If you struggle with anxieties, this is a great resource to check out. It’s served me very well.
3) Seek professional help. If needed, go to counseling. I once went through a rough season of struggling with anxiety, and when I went to counseling my counselor talked with me about mindfulness and taught me ways to deal with anxiety. It took a long time to work through my issues and I’m happy to report, day by day, I experienced deliverance and an understanding that I can’t control everything that happens. Instead, I can choose to trust God completely, no matter what. And journaling is great, too. Writing what you feel can be very relieving.
If you struggle with anxiety, I hope you find these tips helpful. I’m happy to cover you in prayer. 

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