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The ugly world of politics has officially infiltrated the world of sports. It’s ridiculous, yet, not shocking. In a time of our nation being more divided than ever, with questionable leadership, closest racists coming out of hiding, and the natural disasters literally wiping out peoples once normal lives, why is it that one of the few enjoyable forms of entertainment, sports, now a political matter?

Awhile back Colin Kaepernick stirred things up when he decided not to stand, but instead take a knee and kneel, in protest of the national anthem. When he did this it not only caused controversy, but it cost him his job. To date, he still remains unsigned to an NFL team. And what’s wild is he’s way too talented to not be signed. Plus, he’s a babe. I mean, come on, there’s nothing sexier than a hot guy standing up for what he believes in, or in Colin’s case, protesting. However, he made a choice and is living with the consequences. In an age of protests, speaking out, and taking a stand against prejudice and social injustice, politics have crept into the sports world. I believe that politics and sports don’t mix. Especially, when it gets to a place where leadership is revoking invitations to our nation’s capital, insulting professional athletes on social media, and stating that athletes who participate in protests should be fired. Crazy as it sounds; it’s the reality of how much things have shifted.

Michael Jordan stated that, “One of the fundamental rights this country is founded on was freedom of speech, and we have a long tradition of nonviolent, peaceful protest. Those who exercise the right to peacefully express themselves should not be demonized or ostracized. At a time of increasing divisiveness and hate in this country, we should be looking for ways to work together and support each other and not create more division.

Taking a stand against injustice is important, and no one, not even athletes, should be threatened with termination for protesting, especially if no one is being put in danger or harm’s way. Not to throw shade, but there have been professional athletes who’ve done far worse things and gotten off the hook. The silver lining in all this is that the recent protests have sparked an important conversation in the sports world, and given people a lot to think about. It’s refreshing to see professional athletes standing together in unity, instead of divided about the matter. On the other side of that, some people are arguing, throwing salt, and turning things into a political argument. Should so much attention be put on trivial matters, while families in different areas all over the world are trying to recover from natural disasters and piece together what’s left of their once normal lives, or is it best to fight about athletes protests, declining and revoking invitations, and who’s right and who’s wrong? 

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