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Jesus Feminist and Women in Ministry

I recently read Jesus Feminist by Sarah Bessey, and it heavily impacted my views on the state of Christianity, women, and women in ministry. I’ve been saved since I was seven, and I grew up watching women speak in the church. Seeing women leaders was normal to me, so it was mind blowing to discover that a heavy number of men and women, were against the idea of women in ministry. When I read different things on social media and different blogs, I was alarmed and couldn’t believe some of the things I saw. Sadly, I’m used to dealing with sexist men of the world, but dealing with sexist men who are supposed to be Christians is painful, and the Christian women that share the same views as these kinds of men are scary, because whether they realize it or not, they’re a part of a problem that ultimately sets all of us women in the church back. When I read Jesus Feminist I laughed, cried, and was enlightened about Jesus, the power of being a woman, and the need for more women in ministry. Sarah Bessey writes, “We don’t need a sanctioned bookstore or a marketing plan from a publishing house for the stories that shape us in ways big and small. We can tell our stories out loud.” There are Christian women who are called to ministry, that I fear are afraid to come forth. I get it. It’s not easy, but to withhold their ministry seems like a disservice to all the women, and maybe some men in the world, who need them to step forth. I believe I’m called to minister to women, and while I don’t care for the aesthetic things that seem to fascinate others who want a life in ministry, correction think they want a life in ministry, none of the glossy stuff or status phases me. The people that God calls to a life of ministry, particularly in the area of leadership, are usually not the most obvious choices or popular picks. I can identify with this, because I feel so unworthy and unqualified for it, but He still picked me; brokenness, messiness, ratchetness and all lol. Truthfully, ministry can be messy. There aren’t really days off, convenient hours, and especially not convenient people. Regardless, I have a heart for broken people, specifically, broken women. I want to draw them to Christ and teach them about owning their identities, pursuing their callings, and walking in purpose. When a friend and I got together to share our similar visions (as she’s called to ministry as well) the reactions we got were wild. I told her, “Don’t expect too many people to be on board with what we’re doing.” I didn’t say that to be discouraging, but to keep things real, because I know what we’re going to be up against. I feel like women, especially Christian women need a place where they can be truly vulnerable, open, and authentic about who they are, what they’re struggling with, and be fed with the word. If there were other courageous women who dared to do the same, I imagine that the state of the church might be significantly different. Sarah Bessey writes, “Rest in your God-breathed worth. Stop holding your breath, hiding your gifts, ducking your head, dulling your roar, distracting your soul, stilling your hands, quieting your voice, and satiating your hunger with the lesser things of this world.” Sometimes, it’s tough being real. Authenticity comes with a price and it’s usually at the risk of people not liking you, or misunderstanding you, and I’m growing to care less and less what others think about me. What someone else thinks is beyond my control, but I can speak and stand up for Christian women who feel ashamed, scared, or threatened to share their stories. I envision a women's ministry where…

There’s worship and fellowship.

There’s genuine sisterhood.

There’s an environment where women (of all ages, ethnicities, and backgrounds) can come together and be real.

There’s an open space to discuss purity, sex, sexuality, and lust without feeling guilty or being judged.

There’s an open space to lead, create, and encourage each other to be better without a spirit of competition.

This vision is not out of reach. Some of the stuff I’ve experienced, seen, and encountered in different Christian settings has been upsetting, and I’d like to see that change by creating change. It won’t be easy but I believe it can be done. 

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