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Showing posts from November, 2024

Use What You Don't Like To Be An Advocate For Change

I’m not one who enjoys discussing or listening to discussions about politics. In recent years, the political climate has grown increasingly hostile and has caused many families, friends, associates, and more to become divided over different beliefs, policies, practices, and changes as we all navigate this uncertain world and these uncertain times. As I’ve grown older, I’ve aimed to exercise more wisdom and discretion when it comes to openly aligning myself with any political party or candidate (which is no one else’s business but my own). I get why some people feel the need to be vocal and outspoken about their views and who they’re supporting, but I also recognize the power of moving in silence too. When it comes to politics, we often hear a lot about what people don’t want and what they don’t like, but how often do we think about how we can take what we don’t like to advocate for change? Surely this is something to think about among all the “noise” that’s not benefitting any of us. W...