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Millennials, Gold Stars, and Participation Trophies

I’m a millennial but I don’t fit the stereotypical definition of what some identify as a millennial. And I know other millennials who feel the same way about themselves too. Most words and things synonymous with being a millennial are as follows…
Job hoppers.
And more… 
I’m not entitled. I used to expect rewards for good behavior. I no longer expect rewards for good behavior or doing things the right way. Just recently my mother came across a ton of old perfect attendance, honor roll, and participation certificates and awards my brother and I received from the time we were in elementary school through high school, and as a young adult it finally hit me: We got awards for doing things like showing up for school and making good grades. We were supposed to do those things anyway, right? It’s no wonder some millennials feel that just about everything deserves a celebration these days. I don’t expect celebrations for everything. Not everyone or everything deserves a celebration. I also don’t expect overnight success. There’s no such thing. Even if there are some people in this world who are famous for doing some mediocre and questionable things. I like career stability and don’t jump jobs every year. I work hard. Very hard. I juggle a full-time job and side hustle my dreams. I’m focused for my age to the point where I’m often mistaken for being older and only mistaken for being younger because of my youthful and beautiful brown skin that’s likely going to age ever so slowly #blessed #thanksmomanddad. Honestly, I often feel 28 going on 50. I’m an old soul. I occasionally enjoy going out but prefer chillin’ indoors, saving my hard-earned money, and feeding my spirit through my bible, other quality reading material, art, beauty, different cultures, and accurate news sources. I don’t like being bombarded with meaningless conversation, fake news, reality television, or being overwhelmed with technology. And I really don’t like when people overshare in person or through technology, especially on social media. I personally find oversharing tasteless, obnoxious, and immature and it’s horrifying how so many people and especially a lot of millennials, willingly and openly volunteer things about themselves, significant others, children, health conditions, places of employment, or anything else happening in their lives that’s not meant for public consumption. I understand having boundaries with sharing and discretion. I also understand that certain things like progression, growth, and change take time and that my generation has a lot of work to do regarding rewiring some ways we’ve been taught, told, and sold in order to be successful, capable, likable, and functioning human beings. A number of us may be innovative, creative, and tech-savvy but still need to improve in the areas of adaptability, boundaries, managing expectations, and emotional maturity. Some millennials may already be well developed in those areas. Some not. I get it. But we’re all in this together. Doesn’t that line make you think of High School Musical? 😁 So with all this in mind, I say we not get so focused on labels but instead lean in to help one another be better. We can always all learn something from one another if we’re open to doing so. 

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